Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Attack of the Sock Monkeys!

I'm making a couple of crocheted sock monkeys for a friend; both a mini and maxi. I haven't found a pattern that I like anywhere however, so I'm going to design my own. I'll post the whole pattern once I'm finished but in the meantime... Arms Legs and Tail, here I come!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Blog Neglect?

Nope - I promise :-P Well . . . not technically. I've just been working on my other blog Mackena's Hook n Needle Adventures trying to finish out Kit #1.

Hit a small snag there when the last scarf ran out of yarn before the edging was complete. I am having to match it now in order to finish it. I think it was just something as simple as a typo in the pattern. I believe it would have had a little left over if they had chosen an H hook. My gauge swatch matched properly according to yarn size, so perhaps and hopefully it wasn't "user error" - as I tend to blame myself first. I'd like to think it wasn't me but since I don't know of any other member complaints about that scarf (not that they have a place to publicly complain or ask about the kits anyway), I'm still wondering where I went wrong - trying to own up to user error being the cause.

Regardless, the scarf is gorgeous!!! and I LOVE it!! I'll try to match yarn today to finish it. I have a couple of different White S2s around so hopefully one will match the color. How difficult should it be to match WHITE after all?? LOL  Don't answer that!!

Monday, March 14, 2011


I have finally decided that I hate ROW 1 - Doesn't matter what pattern... I hate the first row after the chain. I just wanted to put that out there! Grrr - especially when there are 227 chains!!

Friday, March 11, 2011

A Boy & his Link!

Okay, so I know it's only the 11th, but he was talking about LINK and the Twilight Princess and blahblahblah... I couldn't stand it anymore!! ROFL I HAD to give it to him early!!!

And you know what???? He POUNCED me and screamed OMG I LOVE IT!!! *insert very nervously relieved mom tears here*

My only disappointment is...errr... he is PLAYING with it and I showed him the sword and shield! He preceded to inform me that Link got his shield before he got his HAT so I needed to hurry up and make the shield and sword so his Link wasn't embarrassed!! ROFLMAO

The only problem now is that he is giving me a mile long list of things and characters I need to make to go along with his Link - and he just keeps saying, "Mom!! I LOVE him!!!!"


I'm so totally feeling the LOVE today!! Oh and he wants me to make the Twilight Princess (which is who I thought was Zelda) LOL

~ Together Forever ~

Link's Sword and Shield Pattern

 I found this pattern online this morning trying to find other Zelda Ami. Gonna try to make these for Evan's Link.

Here are the patterns:

Shield (front)
Country Rose or Light Maroon
CH x 8
1. INC, SC x 5, INC (3 SC in 1 SC) now go around to the other side of the same CH like a U-Turn, INC (3 SC in 1 SC), SC x 5, INC then join. CH 1
2. INC, SC x 7, INC (3 SC in 1 SC), SC x 2, INC (3 SC in 1 SC), SC x 7, INC then join. CH1
3. SC 4, DC x 6, DC then treble then DC in the same hole, SC x 4, DC then treble then DC in the same hole, DC x 6, SC x 4, SL ST, switch to grey, join. CH 1
4. SC, INC, SC, INC, SC x 6, INC 3 in 1, SC x 6, INC (3 SC in 1 SC), SC x 6, INC, SC, INC, SC, INC, SC, SC, SC SL ST. CH 1
SL ST around
Shield (back)
Chocolate or Brown
CH x 8
1. INC, SC x 5, INC (3 SC in 1 SC) now go around to the other side of the same CH like a U-Turn, INC (3 SC in 1 SC), SC x 5, INC then join. CH 1
2. INC, SC x 7, INC (3 SC in 1 SC), SC x 2, INC (3 SC in 1 SC), SC x 7, INC then join. CH1
3. SC 4, DC x 6, DC then treble then DC in the same hole, SC x 4, DC then treble then DC in the same hole, DC x 6, SC x 4, SL ST, switch to grey, join. CH 1
4. SC, INC, SC, INC, SC x 6, INC 3 in 1, SC x 6, INC (3 SC in 1 SC), SC x 6, INC, SC, INC, SC, INC, SC, SC, SC SL ST. CH 1
In grey SL ST a line across top and bottom third of the shield.
Shield Handle
CH x 8
1. SC x 6 then finish off leaving a long tail for sewing in. Attach to grey strips to make handle for the shield.
Stitch the front and back together, right sides facing out.
Sword Blade (make 2 then stitch together, right sides facing out)
CH x 21
1. INC (3 in 1 ST), SC x 18, INC, hook into other side of CH (acts as a U-Turn to work up the other side of the CH) INC, SC x 18, INC (3 in 1 ST);
2. SC 17, SL ST then proceed to SL ST around, finish off and keep a long tail for sewing.
Sword Handle
CH 2 or Magic Ring or start however you like
1. SC x 5; (5)
2-4. SC x 5; (5) repeat for rows 2 through 4
5. INC x 5; (10)
6. SC x 10; (10)
7. INV DEC x 3; (7)
Finish off and weave in tail.
Sword Base
CH 2 or Magic Ring or start however you like
1. SC x 6; (6)
2. INC, INC, SC, INC, INC, SC; (10)
3. SC, INC x 3, SC x 2, INC x 3, SC; (16)
Finish off and leave a long tail.
Attach the handle to the base and sew securely. Wire the handle so it remains stiff. Pinch the base so it make a flat “envelope” around the bottom of the blade of the sword and stitch shut sewing the blade firmly in place.
Sword Sheath
Start with grey CH 2 or Magic Ring or start however you like
1. DC x 6; join;
2. CH x 2, 2 DC in 1 ST, 2 DC in 1 ST, switch to brown DC, switch back to grey, 2 DC in 1 ST, 2 DC in 1 ST; join; switch to brown
3. CH x 2, DC x 5, 2 DC in 1 ST, DC x 5, 2 DC in 1 ST; join;
4. CH x 2, DC x 12; join;
5. CH x 2, DC x 12; join;
6. CH x 2, DC x 12; join;
7. CH x 1, SC around; join;
8. switch to grey; SC around ;
SL ST around, finish off and weave in grey yarn. Stitch to the back using brown yarn.

NOTE: I realize that I forgot to post the LINK to the site - mostly because I was more making a note of the patterns for this for Evan than making an actual entry into my blog!! But now I can't find the bloody thing!! ACK!! So I will update this entry as soon as I can!!! I promise!! And I humbly apologize to the original author!!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Link - Final!!

Guess what I found?!?!?!? Yellow Yarn!!! Woot! Here he is. All finished and put together. Enjoy!

I'll post the pattern if anyone wants it - but I had to make so many corrections that it may take a few days. I sure hope Evan likes it!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Link's Big-Arse Bald Head!

What words can describe what a picture cannot?? hahahahaha

Here is how they connect (See? I told you it was weird!!)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Link - Progress Report

The ball joint for the head is kind of funny. Arms, head, hair* and hat left.

Body, Ball Joint, Boots
Still can't find the yellow yarn though - grrr!!!