Friday, March 11, 2011

Link's Sword and Shield Pattern

 I found this pattern online this morning trying to find other Zelda Ami. Gonna try to make these for Evan's Link.

Here are the patterns:

Shield (front)
Country Rose or Light Maroon
CH x 8
1. INC, SC x 5, INC (3 SC in 1 SC) now go around to the other side of the same CH like a U-Turn, INC (3 SC in 1 SC), SC x 5, INC then join. CH 1
2. INC, SC x 7, INC (3 SC in 1 SC), SC x 2, INC (3 SC in 1 SC), SC x 7, INC then join. CH1
3. SC 4, DC x 6, DC then treble then DC in the same hole, SC x 4, DC then treble then DC in the same hole, DC x 6, SC x 4, SL ST, switch to grey, join. CH 1
4. SC, INC, SC, INC, SC x 6, INC 3 in 1, SC x 6, INC (3 SC in 1 SC), SC x 6, INC, SC, INC, SC, INC, SC, SC, SC SL ST. CH 1
SL ST around
Shield (back)
Chocolate or Brown
CH x 8
1. INC, SC x 5, INC (3 SC in 1 SC) now go around to the other side of the same CH like a U-Turn, INC (3 SC in 1 SC), SC x 5, INC then join. CH 1
2. INC, SC x 7, INC (3 SC in 1 SC), SC x 2, INC (3 SC in 1 SC), SC x 7, INC then join. CH1
3. SC 4, DC x 6, DC then treble then DC in the same hole, SC x 4, DC then treble then DC in the same hole, DC x 6, SC x 4, SL ST, switch to grey, join. CH 1
4. SC, INC, SC, INC, SC x 6, INC 3 in 1, SC x 6, INC (3 SC in 1 SC), SC x 6, INC, SC, INC, SC, INC, SC, SC, SC SL ST. CH 1
In grey SL ST a line across top and bottom third of the shield.
Shield Handle
CH x 8
1. SC x 6 then finish off leaving a long tail for sewing in. Attach to grey strips to make handle for the shield.
Stitch the front and back together, right sides facing out.
Sword Blade (make 2 then stitch together, right sides facing out)
CH x 21
1. INC (3 in 1 ST), SC x 18, INC, hook into other side of CH (acts as a U-Turn to work up the other side of the CH) INC, SC x 18, INC (3 in 1 ST);
2. SC 17, SL ST then proceed to SL ST around, finish off and keep a long tail for sewing.
Sword Handle
CH 2 or Magic Ring or start however you like
1. SC x 5; (5)
2-4. SC x 5; (5) repeat for rows 2 through 4
5. INC x 5; (10)
6. SC x 10; (10)
7. INV DEC x 3; (7)
Finish off and weave in tail.
Sword Base
CH 2 or Magic Ring or start however you like
1. SC x 6; (6)
2. INC, INC, SC, INC, INC, SC; (10)
3. SC, INC x 3, SC x 2, INC x 3, SC; (16)
Finish off and leave a long tail.
Attach the handle to the base and sew securely. Wire the handle so it remains stiff. Pinch the base so it make a flat “envelope” around the bottom of the blade of the sword and stitch shut sewing the blade firmly in place.
Sword Sheath
Start with grey CH 2 or Magic Ring or start however you like
1. DC x 6; join;
2. CH x 2, 2 DC in 1 ST, 2 DC in 1 ST, switch to brown DC, switch back to grey, 2 DC in 1 ST, 2 DC in 1 ST; join; switch to brown
3. CH x 2, DC x 5, 2 DC in 1 ST, DC x 5, 2 DC in 1 ST; join;
4. CH x 2, DC x 12; join;
5. CH x 2, DC x 12; join;
6. CH x 2, DC x 12; join;
7. CH x 1, SC around; join;
8. switch to grey; SC around ;
SL ST around, finish off and weave in grey yarn. Stitch to the back using brown yarn.

NOTE: I realize that I forgot to post the LINK to the site - mostly because I was more making a note of the patterns for this for Evan than making an actual entry into my blog!! But now I can't find the bloody thing!! ACK!! So I will update this entry as soon as I can!!! I promise!! And I humbly apologize to the original author!!


  1. here's the link:
